Is Egypt safe?
Yes, it is safe and stable
What is the best currency to deal in Egypt?
Is the dollar circulated in Egypt?
What are the available ways to pay money in Egypt?
Is Corona still in Egypt?
What clothes should I wear in Egypt?
What is the atmosphere in Ramadan and how do we enjoy Ramadan?
How many days should we spend to visit all of Egypt?
Is there in Egypt Wi-Fi?
What is a sleeping train?
What are the most important places in Egypt?
What is the best time to visit Egypt?
How many nights will spend on the cruise?
Can we visit the pyramids from inside?
What is the climate in Egypt?
Do we need a visa to enter Egypt?
What are the traditions that must be followed in Egypt?
Is it possible to take binoculars in Egypt or in archaeological sites?
Is photography allowed inside archaeological sites?
What are the places where it is allowed to drink alcohol in Egypt?
What is the system of government in Egypt means a kingdom or a democracy or which one?
What Is the Capital of Egypt?